Wednesday, February 8, 2017

2nd and 3rd Grade: February 8, 2017

Today in class, we finished talking about the Good Samaritan in Spanish by watching a short video of the story.

Ask your student:
  • Did you think the story of the Good Samaritan in Spanish was easy to understand?  (We watched the short video twice--the first time, we just watched straight through and the second time we paused it and talked about it.)
Today's vocabulary
Words in bold are new this week, others are review.
  • venía - he/she was coming
  • venga - come on
  • el hombre - the man
  • se fue - he/she left
  • ¿quién? - who?
  • puedo - I am able (can)
  • no puedo - I am not able (can't)
  • regresaré - I will return
  • pronto - soon 
  • el camino - the path, the road
  • camina - he/she walks
  • ayuda - he/she helps
  • ¡Ayúdame! - Help me!
  • dijo - he/she said
  • Numbers 20-100 by tens
  • Numbers 1-19

  • All of those words are used in this version of the story: 

  • Homework:

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